Course Offerings
- Spring 2023 Course Listing
NYTS offers program options designed to best serve a diverse student body which reflects a variety of professional, vocational, intellectual, and personal goals.
The Social Justice cohort of the Doctor of Ministry program a new, exciting and relevant degree that aims to equip religious leaders and people of faith to ground their justice advocacy in theo-ethical imagination, inspiring revolutionary leadership praxes at the intersections of theologies, public life, and systemic oppressions.
The certificate in Theology and Social Justice (CTSJ) aims to equip laity and clergy to frame their commitments to justice issues and moral imagination in theology, inspiring new faith-rooted, learned social justice advocates in a pluralistic world.
Introduces the beginning theological student to the basics of understanding
the Christian Bible and how to preach it. Overviewing both First (“Old”) and Second (“New”) Testaments – their history, culture, and interpretation – students will learn how to go from “text to sermon,” with a study of sample texts from various genres in both Testaments.
Provides biblical and theological knowledge to apply in congregational leadership and other ministry contexts. Designed for faith leaders who want to deepen their biblical and theological knowledge to be more effective in ministry.
The Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.) is an advanced degree for clergy and lay leaders with ministry experience who desire to deepen the spiritual resources from which they draw to serve their communities. The program focuses on sharpening the skills students already possess in order to enhance their knowledge and skills in specialized areas of ministry
The Master of Arts in Pastoral Care and Counseling, both in our hybrid flex and fully online format, is designed to educate and train compassionate and self-reflective pastoral caregivers.
The Master of Divinity Degree, both in our hybrid flex and fully online format, seeks to “prepare faith and thought leaders to engage relevant, restorative and revolutionary ministry.” The MDiv Program envisions opportunities for “a diverse and inclusive community of learners” and provides “resources, tools and strategies for effective leadership.”
The MATLA Degree Program, both in our hybrid flex and fully online format, seeks to offer maximum learning opportunities to “prepare faith and thought leaders to engage in “relevant, restorative and revolutionary ministry.”
The Master of Arts in Religious Education, both in our fully online and hybrid flex format, is designed to prepare students to serve as dynamic, relevant, and adaptive educational faith and thought leaders in a wide range of Christian ministries.
A scholar and practitioner in the areas of religious education and youth ministry, and her research and writing interests explore how religiosity found in popular culture and womanist spirituality can generate theological pedagogies that are liberative for marginalized youth and young adults. Dr. Henry’s teaching expertise focuses on engaging pedagogies of resistance within classroom settings in ways that reframe noninclusive theological assumptions within curriculum.